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“ARTS AND BUILDINGS” is a company which works in the building field, at first as a family business and later as an individual company since the 1980s. It was built in Italy by the surveyor Giuseppe Argentiero and it is based in Ceglie Messapica (BR).

It has been working for years in the residential and civil building both in private and public field. It carries out different types of work: simple maintenance of real estate, indoor and outdoor renovation, restoration and conservation of properties for which particular attitudes are required: the use of specific materials, technical skills, the building of new residential, productive and tertiary structures.

The company is characterised by a high level of specialization in the building and engineering field thanks to highly skilled men who have been working in this field for over 40 years. They have a good position in the competitive market because of their abilities and attitudes, a market which requires more and more professionalism and service.

Passion and attention to this work highlight the new architectural challenges that we have to face everyday. Most of the time, they belong to a context which has already been created and that must be preserved, updated and valued in order to meet today's compliance characteristics and housing needs.

For what concerns the increase of request linked to the renovation of existing buildings and the recovery of many rural buildings in Apulia, the company has focused more on restructuring, gaining remarkable experience and security in respect of the environment and rules which protect the architectural and environmental heritage.

The company works with the best architects, engineers and designers who face and solve new challenges by means of non-conventional materials. By addressing to many stakeholders, the technical reports, provided by our staff, allow us to handle different needs for each customer.

Over time, we have selected and qualified our staff so that we can ensure the highest quality work which is always carried out with skill, expertise and wealth according to the material.

“ARTS AND BUILDINGS” is a company based on customer satisfaction which represents the main goal. It fosters the customer loyalty, a promotional means designed in order to guarantee continuity and growth.

The key points at the core of the business strategy make the difference on the market:

Each building site is carefully accomplished by a coordinator who daily checks the execution of the work and guarantees a timely intervention focused on the attention to detail which is a golden ticket.

Qualified and specialized technicians seek quality, customised solutions, total assistence, competitive prices and reliability that never fail.

“ARTS AND BUILDINGS”with its team of skilled craftsmen, stoneworkers and builders paves the way to villas, trulli, lamie and other building works thanks to the technical background of skilled bricklayers who are veritable artists in the craft of stoneworking and thanks to the decades of experience in this field. The company also provides solutions for building, plant design and installation characterised by added value in terms of service of the product. It fulfills future customers' needs through assistance and maintenance for any request. At the same time, the company is also able to work on small-scale maintenance and restoration projects as well as the greenkeeping of villas and gardens in case of customers' request.